How Do You Remember Your Journey Across the Oceans?

An animated musing

This website first came to life as my English PhD dissertation.

A capture of a post featuring my project by Brandeis University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Yes, seriously. Naturally, it came with many questions.

“Does a website count as a dissertation?”
“Why bother making it so public? Who cares about what you have to say?”

A dissertation is meant to be a “culmination of your academic endeavor.”
Your endeavor. Your story.

But I wanted to tell my story that also speaks to others.

Who cares about what I have to say?
Those whose life stories hum with mine.

So came this space. To reach out and share unfinished experiences and murmurs. Sometimes with words, in others with fragments of colors and sounds.

I hope this space serves you in a way that you need now, however small and fleeting.

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